Abstract submission guidelines

International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging

ISFRI 2025


Call for papers

Time schedule



Abstract submission period

Auguste 1st 2024 – October 30th 2024

Notification of acceptance

Mid-January 2025

Instruction for submission

Step 1: select your presentation ———————–

You can choose one presentation.

  1. oral presentation (e-poster submission is also recommended)
  2. poster presentation (e-poster submission is also required)

After acceptance, you may be asked to change the presentation format by program committee, individually.

Step 2: choose your presentation topic ————————

Choose the topic that most closely matches your presentation (up to 3 topics).

This information will be used for reviewing your paper and selecting session.

Step 3: write an abstract ————————————-

  1. Scientific research
  • Abstracts should be written in English.
  • Please create your abstract according to the format.
  • Abstracts should be prepared in about 250 words, and the title should be prepared in about 20 words.
  • The first author must be the corresponding author. Maximum 9 co-author’s names can be included and will appear on the printed materials in the submitted order.
  • The scientific paper abstract should include the purpose, material / method, results, and conclusions of the study.
  • Key words (3-5) will be required.
  • Participation fee will change to corresponding author fee per 1 selected paper (both oral and web presentation). After registration, the participation fee will not change even in case of presenter change.
  • If two or more abstracts are accepted by one corresponding author, the registration fee for the same presenter will be charged to one person.
  • It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review his/her own submitted abstract and correct it before abstract submission. The corresponding author is responsible for any typing errors in the abstract.
  • The presenter is solely responsible for copyright.
  • Confirmation of your abstract submission will be sent to your registered e-mail address after submission completion (within 2 business days). If you do not receive the confirmation, it indicates that your submission was incomplete and you need to contact ISFRI 2025 office (e-mail: isfri2025@gmail.com, Fax: +81-776-61-8341)
  1. Educational lecture (presentation)
  • Abstracts should be written in English.
  • Please create your abstract according to the format.
  • The first author must be corresponding author. Maximum 9 co-author’s names can be included and will appear on the printed materials in the submitted order.
  • The educational lecture abstract should include the purpose, conclusion, and 3-5 learning highlights.
  • Key words (3-5) will be required.
  • Participation fee will change to corresponding author fee per 1 selected paper (both oral and web presentation). After registration, the participation fee will not change even in case of presenter change.
  • If two or more abstracts are accepted by one corresponding author, the registration fee for the same presenter will be charged to one person.
  • It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review his/her own submitted abstract and correct it before abstract submission. The corresponding author is responsible for any typing errors in the abstract.
  • The presenter is solely responsible for copyright.
  • Confirmation of your abstract submission will be sent to your registered e-mail address after submission completion (within 2 business days). If you do not receive the confirmation, it indicates that your submission was incomplete and you need to contact ISFRI 2025 office (e-mail: isfri2025@gmail.com, Fax: +81-776-61-8341)
  1. Case presentation
  • Abstracts should be written in English.
  • Please create your abstract according to the format.
  • The first author must be corresponding author. Maximum 9 co-author’s names can be included and will appear on the printed materials in the submitted order.
  • You need to select one topic from the category list shown below.
  • Key words (3-5) will be required.
  • Participation fee will change to corresponding author fee per 1 selected paper. After registration, the participation fee will not change even in case of presenter change.
  • If two or more abstracts are accepted by one corresponding author, the registration fee for the same presenter will be charged to one person.
  • It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review his/her own submitted abstract and correct it before abstract submission. The corresponding author is responsible for any typing errors in the abstract.
  • The presenter is solely responsible for copyright.
  • Confirmation of your abstract submission will be sent to your registered e-mail address after submission completion (within 2 business days). If you do not receive the confirmation, it indicates that your submission was incomplete and you need to contact ISFRI 2025 office (e-mail: isfri2025@gmail.com, Fax: +81-776-61-8341)

Step 4: After acceptance ————————-

  • Notification of Acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author in mid-January 2025.
  • For oral presenter, PowerPoint presentation is required (recommended windows).
  • You may be asked to change the presentation format by program committee, individually (ex. oral presentation ⇔ poster presentation).
  • All presenter is required to prepare e-poster presentation. Please use PowerPoint to register your e-poster presentation. It is recommended to prepare your e-poster presentation with mp4 audio recorded. E-poster presentation is required by all poster presenter. Oral presenter is also recommended to prepare e-poster presentation.

Abstract Category

Category 1: presentation format

Oral presentation (+ e-poster)

Category number

Scientific research


Educational lecture


Poster presentation (e-poster)


Scientific research


Educational lecture


Case presentation



Category 2: topic



Artificial Intelligence


DVI / personal identification




Forensic nursing


Medical engineering


PMCT / PMMR diagnosis


PMCT / PMMR technique


Police investigation


Veterinary medicine








Scientific research




Hideki Hyodoh, …


Dept. Forensic Medicine, University of Fukui, Japan


Recent research results on postmortem images in Japan


We investigated trends in postmortem image research in Japan by searching the literature.

Materials & Methods

We investigated changes in trends between the two groups, 2001-2010 and 2011-2020, in a study of postmortem images in Japan.

Results (and discussion)

It was revealed that there was a significant increase in research in the field of forensic medicine in 2011-2020 compared to 2001-2010. The number of researchers is increasing, and it has become clear that the number of postmortem imaging researchers in Japan is increasing.


Postmortem imaging research has become an indispensable tool for investigating the cause of death in Japan.

Key words

Postmortem image, literature review, Japan





Educational Lecture


P2-108, 109


Hideki Hyodoh, …


Dept. Forensic Medicine, University of Fukui, Japan


Creating CT images when using post-mortem images as legal materials


Post-mortem images are more often submitted as court documents, but there are few reports of sufficient analysis using image workstations. What kind of materials are created using image workstations is an important material for lay judge trials. In this lecture, we will explain the analysis of postmortem images and explain the characteristic causes of traumatic death.


Postmortem image analysis using image workstations is important as a court document.


1. Postmortem image analysis with an image workstation can provide an objective indicator.

2. When taking an image after death, take a picture of a quality that can be tolerated as a court document.

3. If the image artifact is large, take a picture using the upper limb elevation or the artifact reduction method.

4. Create video materials using an image workstation.

5. Those who perform image analysis are required to provide reproducible and objective materials.

Key words

Postmortem image, court document, police investigation





Case presentation




Hideki Hyodoh, …


Dept. Forensic Medicine, University of Fukui, Japan


Postmortem image findings of 1 case of high-altitude falls


We will report on the results of postmortem images of 1 case who fell from a high place and died, and perform a literature review.


The case is a man in his 50s. He fell from about 12 meters and was found dead on an asphalt road. A coarse fracture was found in his skull, and the brain parenchyma had spread to the scene. His post-mortem images showed a fracture line extending to the base of the skull.

The literature provides a detailed description of fractures due to falls at heights, indicating that the damage is greater when the road surface is hard. …

Key words

Postmortem image, fall, fracture




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